+45 4082 6146 Karin@ZimmermannHR.com


The challenge of knowing what you are looking for and creating a good process for everyone.

A professional recruitment process is not just about spotting talent. It requires analysis, follow-up, and definition of success criteria for the position short term and long term.

Throughout the process, you need to make sure that everybody is treated professionally and with respect. Not only the top candidates. The ones who did not get the job could be your future customer, vendor, or even potential investor.

While professional recruitment may seem expensive for some, hiring the wrong person can be significantly more expensive. It can turn into a messy process leading to a bad image and ending up costing you long term.

A professional recruitment process means hiring the right candidate while leaving no one behind. It includes:

  • Profiling and identification of the competencies needed
  • Ensuring exposure on the right platforms for the best value for money
  • Processing received applications upholding legal regulations (GDPR)
  • Evaluating candidates, selecting the best, and ensuring feedback to all
  • Supporting and participating in interviews – incl. feedback on tests or cases
  • Ensuring that reference happens under the applicable rules and legislation

Zimmermann Human Resources can manage all, or parts of, the recruitment process – freeing you of the most time-consuming tasks.

Contact Zimmermann Human Resources

Tell me about your ambitions for the company- Short term and long term. I will give you some initial thoughts and inspiration on how updating your HR structure can have a markedly valuable effect.